How to Journal Your Foods

If you are about to make changes in your diet, I strongly encourage you to journal your foods, on a daily basis. Journaling is an important tool for supporting this lifestyle change, as it brings you to a place of focus and learning about your current eating behavior...

I Love Bodybuilding

I absolutely loved my experience as an I.F.B.B. Pro Bodybuilder,  regardless of politics, subjective guidelines, lack of prize money, and all!       After all, competitive bodybuilding was my “passion”, back in the day, so it was fun to train at Gold’s Gym, Venice,...

Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips

* Avoid shopping when you are hungry. Eat something healthy, before you go. • Make a shopping list before you go to the market and buy only the foods on your list. • Select lean and white meats for their lower fat content instead of the high fat meats like certain...

10 Steps to Changing Your Eating Behavior

1) Stop Dieting! Instead of going on some quick fix, fad diet to lose weight, create a calorie deficit by exercising more and making gradual, moderate dietary changes. The word, “diet” is not “die with a “T”! In the dictionary, the word “diet” means, “a way of...

Giving Yourself Permission to “Treat”

When you are eating healthy or following a healthy meal plan, at some point, there will be the temptation to deviate. There are occasions where we celebrate life events with food. There may come a time when you decide that you want your favorite dessert. Sometimes we...